I hope the following doesn’t surprise you too much but I am one of those who LOVES exercise; I run long distance, cycle, long walks, hiking, yoga etc. I also love being outside and challenging myself.
This year is a year of firsts for me and I have decided to raise money for a cause very close to my heart MIND.
MIND are a charity who support people who suffer from Mental Health Problems, a cause that I don’t believe gets enough awareness & support. For more information about MIND please look at their website… http://www.mind.org.uk/
I am taking part in an event on the 30th March (mother’s day) with One True Grit please look at the website for information I think you’ll be surprised
This event is a 10k obstacle course where I will encounter; hay bale climb, 10 foot walls, barbed wire, tunnels, water, ice, fire, scramble nets, mud, mud and more mud. The course is all based around teamwork, camaraderie and perseverance.
I am currently waiting on my fundraising pack from MIND however in the meantime if you would like to donate then please email me back with a pledge http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/CharlaineBonfield
I will ensure there will be plenty of pics of me being dragged through a hedge backwards to prove it that I’m sure you will enjoy! J
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