The last few years have been tough for job hunters, and the COVID-19 outbreak is only going to make things harder. With many businesses temporarily or permanently closed, there are even fewer jobs to go around.
In times like these, it’s easy to get discouraged. Sending out CV after CV and getting no response can be extremely demoralising, but don’t give up. Rather than focusing on applying for as many jobs as possible, you should focus on yourself for a while.
Here are a few simple strategies for making yourself more employable.
If your CV is failing to get you any interviews, it may be time to freshen it up. Think about any relevant jobs or experience that you’ve had since you last updated your CV and add these if appropriate. You should also cut out any irrelevant or outdated information. CV writing conventions change frequently, so it’s worth checking the current rules. For example, including your date of birth used to be the norm, but it is now frowned upon as it allows for potential discrimination.
If your CV contains some glaring omissions, now is the perfect time to plug those gaps. Think about the important skills that you are missing, and then take the necessary steps to acquire them. Employers usually want proof of your skills, so a properly accredited course is your best option. Try investigating your local colleges to see what’s on offer or consider taking online courses.
Nothing raises a red flag with potential employers like a reference who doesn’t reply. If your references are more than a couple of years old, you should get in touch to make sure that their contact details are still correct. Contacting old references is also a great way to stay in the loop about potential job opportunities in the sector you used to work in.
A good recruitment agency will always have their finger on the pulse of the job market. They will know what employers are looking for and can offer advice on how to catch their attention.
If you’re looking for a recruitment agency in Coventry or a recruitment agency in Leicester, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We have years of experience and know exactly how to get your CV to the top of the pile.
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