Quest Employment have donated 100 Easter Eggs to the children’s ward at Kettering General Hospital.
Commercial Divisional Manager Andy Elmore from Kettering, made the presentation to Skylark Ward on March 16th. Pictured below are Skylark Ward patients Ashley Griffiths (9 months) and Tilly Stacey (two) receiving the donations from Mr Elmore.
This is the 3rd year where Quest Employment has donated 100 Easter Eggs to the Skylark Ward and we get more interest with the donation year on year. Andy lives locally and knows what an amazing job they do for the children and what a worthy cause it is. We thought the Easter Eggs would help to cheer up the children who use the ward during that period.
KGH Play Co-ordinator Trish Brigden said: “We want to thank Quest Employment and Andy for supporting us with this very generous and timely donation. Easter Eggs are always very much appreciated by the children who need our support.”
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