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Quest Employment

Katie Millinder

Describe yourself in three words?
Ambitious, competitive and creative.

An interesting fact about yourself?
I am a direct descendant of Sir Christopher Wren.

Why you work for Quest?
As cheesy at is sounds, Quest really is a family. We’re there for each other through the ups & downs the industry, and general life, can bring. We celebrate together (regularly) in through the highs and pull together to brave the lows. I’ve never worked in a business that offers the work/life balance, amazing support and career progression Quest does – and would highly recommend the business to any genuine people looking for an actual career in recruitment.

Oh...the car & commission structure are also unparalleled in the industry, which helps!

What animal would you be and why?
Queen’s Corgi – They probably eat better than most normal people, and probably have their own servants!

Recruitment agency in Northampton Team

Charlie York

Charlie York

Regional Sales Manager

Joanna Brzezinska

Joanna Brzezinska

Branch Manager

Jakub Tulacz

Jakub Tulacz

Recruitment Consultant

Izabela Zaborowska

Izabela Zaborowska

Senior Recruitment Consultant

r francis 1

Rhiannon Francis

Senior Recruitment Consultant

Rory S 1

Rory Smith

Recruitment Consultant