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Quest Employment

Katie Millinder

Describe yourself in three words?
Ambitious, competitive and creative.

An interesting fact about yourself?
I am a direct descendant of Sir Christopher Wren.

Why you work for Quest?
As cheesy at is sounds, Quest really is a family. We’re there for each other through the ups & downs the industry, and general life, can bring. We celebrate together (regularly) in through the highs and pull together to brave the lows. I’ve never worked in a business that offers the work/life balance, amazing support and career progression Quest does – and would highly recommend the business to any genuine people looking for an actual career in recruitment.

Oh...the car & commission structure are also unparalleled in the industry, which helps!

What animal would you be and why?
Queen’s Corgi – They probably eat better than most normal people, and probably have their own servants!

Recruitment agency in Wellingborough Team

Charlie York

Charlie York

Regional Sales Manager